Thursday, November 4, 2021

Around Our House

 We've had a wet and chilly fall so far, which is great since we have been in a drought this year. One Sunday the weather was warm and beautiful, and the kids and I spent hours outside. They raced cars down the driveway.

Rockwell got Damon and Tess to throw lacrosse balls to him. :)
They thought it was fun to wear his "robot" gloves.
It was a fabulous Sunday afternoon!

A nice part about the chilly weather is that the hot tub is getting more use.

Grandma & Grandpa Ham came down for dinner one night. It was fun to visit with them and the kids loved when Grandma read books to them.

There was a grand opening of another Swig in Orem so the kids and I went and got free drinks and cookies. We won a tumbler from the prize wheel! Those are $25, so I was pretty excited about that prize!

The kids' favorite fall toy is the leaves in our yard! They have so much fun in them.

I hiked the Y today. That is such a steep hike! I stayed at the top for a while and just enjoyed the view.


  1. I love that second leave picture! Damon 😍

  2. Such great pictures! I'm so glad that the kids had such a fun time that Sunday afternoon and played so well together. I'm also glad that you won the $25 at Swig! I'm so glad the children like me to read to them and the 2nd picture of Damon in the leaves is just adorable! Quite a view from the Y.
