Sunday, November 21, 2021

While Paul Was Away

 Damon had his 50's party to celebrate the 50th day of school.

It was fun to help with the party and see Damon's awesome hula-hooping skills!
They did a few different activities counting to 50, did the limbo, the bunnyhop, and had root beer floats. It was a fun party!

Tessa got to dog-sit Sadie for the weekend. :)

The Woahn's took Rockwell to the BYU football game on Saturday. They ate lunch at Seven Brothers and enjoyed watching BYU play a great game against Idaho State.

Tessa, Damon and I played games and rode bikes outside and then got ourselves some drinks. 
Mel Bean texted a picture of her at the Swig that opened in Oklahoma while we were in line at Swig. I sent her a picture back of where we were. We thought it was fun to *almost* be hanging out at Swig together. :)

Shiree texted and told me that they were about to paint their doors in their driveway. The kids and I had gone over there earlier in the morning to see all the remodeling they're doing in their house. She said that Damon had told her he wanted to watch Kim use the paint gun, so to send him over. He thought that was so cool. I loved watching him sit and visit with Shiree while they watched Kim paint. We really have some amazing neighbors!


  1. Damon looked so cute!! I love that he’s visiting with the neighbor, so cute!

  2. Damon looked so cute at his fifties party. What a cute idea! He was also cute visiting with your neighbor! Tessa looked so happy holding the dog when she got to dog sit! That's great that Rockwell got to go to the BYU game!
