Friday, November 5, 2021

Gymnastics Meet

 Tessa and Damon both wanted to participate in the Halloween Meet. There weren't nearly as many kids as the last few, so it moved along pretty quickly. Tessa started off with vault and did awesome without a spot again.

She did awesome on bars too. While we were driving to the meet, she was telling me that she isn't able to do her chin-up back hip circle, but she went for it and did it! She told me after that she has too much of a kick-start to it, but I sure thought it looked good. :)
Tessa's on a new level since her last meet, and her routines are more challenging for her. I feel like she's in a class now where she can really learn and grow, which I think is great. She was happy that she stayed on the beam this time and didn't fall off. I loved her roundoff dismount off the beam.
Her floor routine was great as well. She just did an all-around great job!!
Tessa took Silver in the all-around. We're so proud of the great job she did at the meet, and all the practice she puts in every week.

There were just two boys at the meet this time, and the other boy had no interest in being there or doing anything, so it was an easy gold medal for Damon. :) He did a great job, and it was fun to see his improvements since the last meet. He has really improved his cartwheels and handstands and did an awesome job on his floor routine.
He's also really improved on his swings on the bar. He practices on a tree branch in our yard. :)

Al and Hallee came to watch. We loved having them there to support Tessa and Damon.
Tessa really wanted a picture of her flexing with all her medals. :)


  1. I love that Tessa wanted a picture flexing! They both did great, it was so fun to watch them!

  2. Great job Tessa and Damon! Such great form and improvement is always wonderful! I also love that Tessa wanted a picture flexing!
