Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Eve

 We always love to spend Christmas Eve at Grandma & Grandpa Ham's house! We had our traditional yummy dinner (cue the song Cheesebread and Meatballs :), and then played Christmas Bingo.

I got a special bingo prize this year. My dad surprised me with this beautiful hummingbird. When he and my mom were staying with Julie's parents last month, he noticed that they had these beaded hummingbirds all over their Christmas tree. He asked Ramona if she makes them and if she would be willing to make one for me. She said that they had bought them all in Guatemala while they were there, but took one off their tree and said to give it to me. That was so nice of her, and so nice of my dad for thinking of me! Thanks Dad!! I love it!
The kids were excited to play the new games they got as bingo prizes.
We watched The Nativity video and then did the Grab Box. 
The kids were so excited with their new books!
And the adults were excited with their gift cards!
We had dessert and visited some more before heading home. It was another great Christmas Eve!

Christmas Party with the Barth/Robbins

 We went to Adria's on Friday for a Christmas party with Marlene's side of the family. Chad was in town for Christmas, so we decided to do the party earlier this year. 

Tessa was so excited to play with Liam. We were too late with our cameras and missed their big smiles, but they sure were cute playing together.
 We had dinner and did a white elephant gift exchange. We scored this year with some great presents! Rockwell loved his chips/salsa/soda/candy basket, Paul is excited for his Battery Daddy, and I love my new Christmas decorations. We're very excited for our Instant Pot too!
Paul wrapped the framed picture of Chad, and Addie's boyfriend opened that one up. He was so funny about it and just said, "I win!" when he opened it. Haha!
Everyone thought it was so funny, and it definitely took Chad by surprise. :) Kyler stole the picture when it was his turn, so I'm guessing it won't be the last time we see it. 
Rockwell brought Cover Your Kingdom and we played a couple rounds. It was a big hit.
Kyler won the first round.
And McKay won the second.

Christmas Break

 Tessa and I had a fun day out last Saturday going to Hallee's dance show, her singing show where she sang a solo, and Amarie's dance recital. Hallee's solo was beautiful and her dancing was so good! She has such great stage presence, you really can't help but enjoy every moment she's on stage. 

Hallee's shows were at the mall so Tessa and I grabbed some food at Red Robin while we were there.
Amarie's recital was really enjoyable. Amarie has worked so hard for a lot of years, and has developed such a talent! The closing ballet number was just amazing! I always enjoy watching her do what she loves.

Paul brought home the game Cover Your Kingdom, and we have played it about 3 times a day all break. Tessa has played a couple times, but that's been enough for her. Rockwell and Damon play it every chance they get though. There's a tiny crown in the box, and I love to take a picture of the winner with the tiny crown on their head. :)
Rockwell's friend Logan won the first time he played!
Damon was so excited when he won for the first time! He is cutthroat in this game. :) It's so funny to see him so competitive.

We switched it up one time and played Christmas Bingo instead. I made this game for a Young Womens party, and then we didn't get around to playing it. The kids didn't mind playing and getting the treats instead. :)

We went to the Giving Machines and each picked out something to donate. There are so many people in need in the world right now. We are happy to help out in our little ways that we can, and are grateful for the people and organizations that make it possible for us to help people around the world. 

Paul took the kids over to his school one day while I wrapped our Christmas presents. They loved getting some hot cocoa from the Cocoa Bar.
They also thought it was fun to build this puzzle of Jeremiah's face. Jeremiah made a huge banner of Paul's face and hung it up along with Paul's Teacher of the Year banner because he knows how uncomfortable it makes Paul to get recognition like that. Paul's working on pranking him back now, and the kids were happy to help. :)

The Zermatt

We spent a night at The Zermatt in Midway. Josh gave us a gift card last Christmas, and we decided to use it this year over Christmas break. 

We had some dinner at the Cafe in the hotel and then went swimming for a couple hours. The kids thought it was fun to swim under the wall into the outdoor pool and then back inside after a couple minutes out in the cold. :)
It was fun to wake up to deer outside our window. We had some breakfast at the Cafe and then headed back home. It was a fun little getaway!

Friday, December 23, 2022


 I took the kids to Oak Canyon for some sledding. You can see the progress of the Lindon Temple in the background.

There were a lot of people there, but we found a nice corner that we had to ourselves. The kids had an absolute blast!