Friday, December 16, 2022

Band Concert

Rockwell had his Christmas Concert last week. He love love loves his band class and teacher. It's been his favorite class, and it was so fun to hear the progress they've made already this year. Mr. Roberts chooses ambitious songs, which makes it fun and challenging for the kids. Rockwell had quite the fan club that night. Grandma & Grandpa Ham, Grandma Clark, Al, and Wyatt all came. That was so nice of them all.
We have gotten so much snow the past two weeks! It was very snowy that night, and so Grandma Clark stayed the night at our house instead of driving home in it. It was so fun to have her stay!! We watched the Amazing Race finale and stayed up late visiting. Paul took her over to his library to show her all the Christmas decorations.
Sadly, her drive home the next day took her 4 hours still though! There was an oil tanker that crashed on the freeway in the snow, and spilled oil all over the road which shut the freeway down. It was a huge mess and I felt bad she got stuck in it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm glad Rockwell loves band. They played really well - impressive. Paul's library is absolutely awesome, very inviting. It was fun to spend the night and see the kids off to school the next day, even if I got caught in that tanker spill. It was worth it.

  3. Rockwell did so well in the band concert and we were so glad we were able to see him! I can see why he loves his band teacher so much. Even though the drive home was a little scary we're so glad we got to see him and it's good he had such a fan club there!

  4. Rockwell did awesome. He is such a cool kid!
