Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Party with the Barth/Robbins

 We went to Adria's on Friday for a Christmas party with Marlene's side of the family. Chad was in town for Christmas, so we decided to do the party earlier this year. 

Tessa was so excited to play with Liam. We were too late with our cameras and missed their big smiles, but they sure were cute playing together.
 We had dinner and did a white elephant gift exchange. We scored this year with some great presents! Rockwell loved his chips/salsa/soda/candy basket, Paul is excited for his Battery Daddy, and I love my new Christmas decorations. We're very excited for our Instant Pot too!
Paul wrapped the framed picture of Chad, and Addie's boyfriend opened that one up. He was so funny about it and just said, "I win!" when he opened it. Haha!
Everyone thought it was so funny, and it definitely took Chad by surprise. :) Kyler stole the picture when it was his turn, so I'm guessing it won't be the last time we see it. 
Rockwell brought Cover Your Kingdom and we played a couple rounds. It was a big hit.
Kyler won the first round.
And McKay won the second.


  1. Looks like a fun activity! That's funny that one of the kids stole Chad's picture.

  2. Looks fun. I love the funny white elephant gifts.
