Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Break

 Tessa and I had a fun day out last Saturday going to Hallee's dance show, her singing show where she sang a solo, and Amarie's dance recital. Hallee's solo was beautiful and her dancing was so good! She has such great stage presence, you really can't help but enjoy every moment she's on stage. 

Hallee's shows were at the mall so Tessa and I grabbed some food at Red Robin while we were there.
Amarie's recital was really enjoyable. Amarie has worked so hard for a lot of years, and has developed such a talent! The closing ballet number was just amazing! I always enjoy watching her do what she loves.

Paul brought home the game Cover Your Kingdom, and we have played it about 3 times a day all break. Tessa has played a couple times, but that's been enough for her. Rockwell and Damon play it every chance they get though. There's a tiny crown in the box, and I love to take a picture of the winner with the tiny crown on their head. :)
Rockwell's friend Logan won the first time he played!
Damon was so excited when he won for the first time! He is cutthroat in this game. :) It's so funny to see him so competitive.

We switched it up one time and played Christmas Bingo instead. I made this game for a Young Womens party, and then we didn't get around to playing it. The kids didn't mind playing and getting the treats instead. :)

We went to the Giving Machines and each picked out something to donate. There are so many people in need in the world right now. We are happy to help out in our little ways that we can, and are grateful for the people and organizations that make it possible for us to help people around the world. 

Paul took the kids over to his school one day while I wrapped our Christmas presents. They loved getting some hot cocoa from the Cocoa Bar.
They also thought it was fun to build this puzzle of Jeremiah's face. Jeremiah made a huge banner of Paul's face and hung it up along with Paul's Teacher of the Year banner because he knows how uncomfortable it makes Paul to get recognition like that. Paul's working on pranking him back now, and the kids were happy to help. :)


  1. Cover Your Kingdom looks like a fun game! I love the little crown that the winner wears. It was so great to watch Hallee and Amarie perform wasn't it? What a fun date for you and Tessa too! Hallee does seem to come alive when she performs and her song was beautiful! Amarie did a great job too!!

  2. Hallee loved having you guys there and so did I. Thanks for supporting her, it means a lot to both of us.
