Monday, June 6, 2022

Kauai 2022

 We have been so excited for our trip back to Kauai!!! We bought the tickets a few months ago, and over that time our flights changed a couple times. We had bought one that left Salt Lake at 12:30 pm, but Southwest changed it to leaving at 5:20 am. It was rough getting up at 2:00 am to make our flight, but totally worth it!!

Paul and I were able to get a little bit of sleep on the 2nd flight, but not much.
We finally landed in Kauai and it was so exciting to see the beauty, and the roosters, and be off the plane.

Sadly, Damon's suitcase didn't stay on the plane when we touched down in Honolulu so we worked out how that would get delivered to our resort. And then the car rental place was crazy busy and slow-moving. We waited there for about two hours, and ended up with a different car than we had reserved. Again, this was all worth it, but frustrating at the same time. We drove up to Princeville and checked in at the Bali Hai resort. I love it here! It is so beautiful, has everything we need, and the service from the employees is awesome.
I went to the grocery store to get some food and toiletries while Paul took the kids to the pool. They were so excited to swim after a long day of travel.


  1. I bet getting in the pool after that long travel day was heaven.

  2. I'm so glad you and Paul were able to get a little sleep on the way there! I'm sure the pool did feel wonderful after a long day of travel! I'm glad you were able to get things worked out so you could get Damon's suitcase! The fun begins!
