Sunday, June 12, 2022

Kauai Day 7

 On Sunday we left Bali Hai and checked into the Waipouli Beach Resort in Kapa'a. We spent the morning playing ping pong and foosball before we left Bali Hai.

Then we drove down to Spouting Horn. It's a cool place with a few holes in the rocks. When the waves come in, the water shoots up through the holes and it sounds like a dragon breathing fire. 
Off to the side of Spouting Horn there was a little inlet with some turtles swimming. We had some time until we could check into our new place, and so we just watched the turtles and the spout for a while.
There were baby chicks all over the island this time. They were really cute to see.
We love to drive through this tree tunnel.
We got some dinner and did a little shopping and then checked into the Waipouli Beach Resort. Our condo was really nice! I loved the hummingbird pillows on our bed. :)
The kids thought the koi pond was fun.
We were all excited to check out the pool and the waterslides that night!!


  1. I love spouting horns. I could watch those all day.

  2. Such beautiful pictures and the spouting horn looked so interesting! It was fun seeing the chicks since we saw roosters all over when we were in Kauai. Your condos sure look beautiful. I'm sure you did love the hummingbird pillows on your bed! Such a great and memorable trip for your family!
