Thursday, June 9, 2022

Kauai Day 4

 The parking was super limited at Tunnels Beach, so we knew we needed to get there early. Even with getting there early, there were no spots left. We drove up the road, turned around, and when we came back somebody was leaving and we were able to get their spot. We were so lucky!!!

We chose a spot in the shade for all our stuff and then spent the day in the water.
The kids loved the waves!
We kept looking at the scenery and commenting on how beautiful it is there!
Damon worked hard to bring his favorite rock up from shore to the treeline with our stuff. :)
We stayed until we didn't have any more shade covering us. Then we decided it was time for some dinner and shave ice!
We ate at Frederico's. That's our favorite restaurant in Hanalei. The taco salad and shrimp tacos are so delicious!
The line was long at JoJo's of course. The kids and I saved a table in the shade while Paul ordered. When Tessa went to pick hers up from the counter I told her to walk while carrying her shave ice. She came speed walking/running back with it and tripped up the stairs. Her shave ice spilled on the stairs, and her face landed in it. (Now that we're not in the moment of it, we get a good laugh about her face being covered in it. :) I gave her napkins to clean up her face and started cleaning up the spilled shave ice. A woman came up and said her group was next up to order and asked what flavor Tessa had gotten. She said she was going to order her another one. It was so sweet of her to do that!!! I tried to give her cash to pay for it but she wouldn't accept any. She said to just do something nice for someone else. It was a very cool thing for us all to see and talk about together. I love kind people!!


  1. I love seeing the kids play in the ocean. Why don't we live by an ocean? I may have laughed when I read about Tessa falling, although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. That is so cool that lady ordered her one. People are good!

  2. Your children sure do love playing in the ocean and I'm so glad that you found a parking space! That was a very nice lady to get Tessa a new shaved ice. I'm sorry she fell and that her face landed in it. You had all kinds of experiences, didn't you?
