Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Kauai Day 9

We started the day at the pool on Tuesday.

After some lunch and arm wrestling, we headed out to Salt Pond Beach. :)
The waterslides wore Damon right out. He got a nice nap while we drove to Salt Pond.
Then he was ready to get in the beautiful ocean!
Our condo had a closet full of beach chairs, an umbrella, boogie boards, and other sand toys. It was so nice to have all that to use!!
We wanted to try Da Crack for dinner since it's pretty close to Salt Pond. We ordered it from the beach and then picked it up on our way home. I know the name and sign don't seem appetizing, but it was delicious!! Ha!
We went straight from there to Matt & Lori's hotel. There was a luau and fire dancing show overlooking the beach. The kids swam in the pool while we visited with Matt & Lori and drank Mai Tai's (virgin of course) until the show started. Rockwell and Tessa wanted to keep swimming, and would get out every now and then to watch bits of the show. Damon was totally into the show though and went down close to watch the whole thing with Paul.
The property at their hotel was gorgeous and the full moon over the ocean was just beautiful! It was another great day!!


  1. Such beautiful pictures! Da Crack didn't sound too good but it did sound convenient and you said it was good so that's great! I love that last picture with the moon in the background and I'm so glad Damon was into the fire show so much and that he got to watch it with Paul! It looks like so much fun!
