Friday, June 10, 2022

Kauai Day 5

 On Friday morning the boys and I went and played ping pong and foosball. 

Rockwell's at the age where he jumps to touch the top of every single doorway he passes, and where he can't keep his hands to himself. At least Damon and Tessa don't seem to mind that he constantly picks them up or is poking them.
Then I took the kids to see the fish in the ponds.
I wanted another picture of them on this bench so we could see how much they've grown since our last trip here.
They've grown up so much!!
We drove down to Lihue to do a tubing adventure. We started off with a bus ride up to the property. Our guide told us the history of the land on the ride.
We stopped at the lookout for Mount Wai'Ale'Ale. It was beautiful!
We were each in our own tube, and we floated down the old irrigation ditches on the sugar plantations. There were 5 tunnels we went through. We would turn on the lights on our helmets so we could see inside the tunnels, except for the last tunnel. We did that one in the pitch dark. You just tuck in your feet and elbows and hope you don't hit anything too hard. :) We didn't have our phones with us on the water, and we didn't think the pictures the guides took were worth buying. I took one picture of another group getting out of the water as we passed by in the bus.
They drove us over to a little swimming hole and fed us dinner. We didn't bring our towels with us so we decided not to swim.
It was a fun little adventure and we were all glad we did it.


  1. Your kids have changed so much in two years! I love Rockwell picking Damon up. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the tubing.

  2. The tubing sounds so fun! I too love the picture of Rockwell picking Damon up! Rockwell is really growing up, isn't he? Such a fun vacation and memory builder for your family!
