Saturday, July 13, 2019


Kyle wanted to do a pizza party for our kids and Al's kids to say thank you for helping with rides and things like that while he was here in Provo. My kids were so excited! He said we should go out on a date and he would party with the kids. Kyle brought a date, Megan, and they fed the kids and played all sorts of games with them. When Paul and I got home, we joined them in playing Lightning.
For our date, Paul and I ate dinner at Chubby's and then went and did archery.
I've never shot a bow and arrow before. I love trying new things though. 
It was pretty tricky to get the aim and the form down, but we got better as the night went on.
It was a really fun night, and we're so grateful to Kyle for coming to play with the kids!!


  1. Wow! Bulls eyes for both of you! I'd say you did get the form and aim down! So nice of Kyle and fun for the kids and for you and Paul!

  2. Nice shot! I admire that you are always excited to try new things.
