Saturday, July 13, 2019

Cabo San Lucas

Our first port was Cabo San Lucas. 
Cabo was the port I was looking forward to most. I love spending the day at a beautiful beach! It was exciting to see Land's End from the ship and realize we were pulling into Cabo.
We took a tender from the cruise ship to land, and then hired water taxis to take us over to the public beach.

I was so excited for our kids to feel a warm ocean. They already love the ocean, but I knew they were going to appreciate the warm water just like I do. 
It was such a fun day! Rockwell loved playing football with his cousins.
Tessa loved it when Lori and Elena made mermaid tails for her and Hallee.
We all loved the waves!
I got a lot of time to visit with my dad. I always love talking with him.
He was commenting on my glasses on the tender that morning. He said they were in style when he was young and thinks it's funny how they're back in style now. A vendor came by selling sunglasses, so he bought a matching pair for himself. :)
There were a lot of vendors walking the beach, but luckily none of them were too pushy. We all ended up buying a few things. I absolutely loved this dress and purse for Tessa. It's beautiful on her!
It was fun to hang out on the sand for a while and visit.
Tessa certainly enjoyed the sand. :)
I loved watching Tessa and EJ race.
We could see our ship out in the water. 
I loved to see my parents relaxing.
This is probably my favorite picture from the whole cruise. This cruise with the whole family was my mom's dream come true. It was so fun to watch her watching her family have an absolute blast together. A close, loving family is what makes her happy.
It really was a great day at Cabo!


  1. You got so many great pictures. You did a great job of capturing your kids having so much fun!

  2. Wonderful beach pictures! Great job Tiffany! I love the picture of me enjoying the family having so much fun together also. Thanks for taking that one!
