Saturday, July 13, 2019

Ship Entertainment

The last two days were Sea Days. There's always something going on on the ship, so you could usually find something that sounded fun. There were four family friendly comedy shows that started right after our dinner. We went to all of those, and loved them. They got funnier each night. Damon loved to get there early because they played music and he would dance all around the aisles.
I loved seeing Ammon holding Damon's hand while they were walking into the comedy club. I wasn't able to get a good picture, but it was really cute.
There were musical shows every night that I would go to. We put Rockwell and Tessa in Camp Ocean later one night and Damon, Paul, and I went to the 80's show. Paul was so sweet and would stay in the cabin with the kids while I stayed out late with my siblings and parents. Kyle was in one of the shows. They pulled him onstage and he danced with them for a while.
There was a craft activity. When Rockwell heard it was making cards, he wasn't too thrilled.
Once he started though, he enjoyed it and even made something extra out of the paper for himself after he finished his card.
The kids all made thank you cards for Grandma and Grandpa.
We were all excited about The Office trivia. Elijah and I went up for the bonus round since we scored 20/20. Elijah won the whole game and got a sweet trophy. I was so proud of my nephew!! :) He is such a funny kid. He told me that he had a substitute teacher who told the class that he knows absolutely everything about the Civil War. Elijah raised his hand and asked if he could tell them about the Battle of Schrute Farms. So funny!! Apparently the guy didn't want to look stupid, and didn't realize it was an Office reference, so he made up a bunch of facts about a fictitious battle. I thought that was hilarious. All of Elijah's Office quotes crack me up.
Al and Keith had some chaffing medicine they let us borrow, and it really helped the boys feel better. They were able to swim again on the last day. Tessa recognized a friend from Camp Ocean and started talking to her, and after a few minutes all the kids in the pool were playing games together. They had a blast.
We watched Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse on the Lido Deck one night. They provide popcorn and blankets if you want them. We liked that movie a lot.
Rockwell is such a stud!
There were a few times when the big kids were in Camp Ocean, and Paul and I would relax with Damon in our cabin. 
A big group did the Extreme Adventures excursion in Puerto Vallarta. 
We were all so glad they bought the pictures and videos so we could see their adventure. Paul and I did that excursion when we did our cruise ten years ago and absolutely loved it! They have added a few new things, like a crazy water slide, a rollercoaster, and a tandem, standing zip line. Kyle brought out his laptop that night so we could all see the pictures and videos. It was hard to imagine what the new things were actually like, so I loved watching their videos. They all had a blast!

At each of these activities, my favorite part was getting to visit with all my family. I love seeing my kids build relationships with their grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Okay, maybe I have two favorite pictures from the cruise! :)

Thank you so much for taking the family on this cruise Mom and Dad! We love love loved it! You know if I use 3 loves, then I really mean it. :) We will remember this trip forever. 


  1. Ammon holding Damon's hand is so sweet! I'm glad I made the favorite picture of the cruise!

  2. So will I! I loved the pictures of you and Paul lounging with Damon! So cute! Ammon holding Damon's hand is so cute too! I'm glad that Allison had some chafing medicine so the boys could swim again!
