Sunday, July 21, 2019


Paul, Todd, and Ryan went to the Educator Summit conference in Philadelphia put on by Angela Duckworth, the author of Grit. Paul absolutely loves Grit and was so excited for this conference! There was a lot of focus on growth mindset, curiosity, and grit, and he really enjoyed it.
While they were there, they got to do some awesome tourist stuff. Their hotel was really close to the temple.
They ate a lot of delicious food.
They really liked going to Reading Terminal and all the food options there.
One morning they got up early and ran to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. They ran the stairs that Rocky did. Paul said it was a dream come true running those steps!
They went and saw the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.
They walked through Chinatown.
They found the park from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
They toured Eastern State Penitentiary. 
This is what Al Capone's cell was probably like.
And they went to a Phillies game.


  1. Sounds like a great trip for Paul! How cool that he got to run the steps that Rocky did!

  2. That looks like an awesome trip. I'm glad Paul enjoyed it.
