Sunday, July 21, 2019

Around Our House

Tessa heard that Hallee had made menus for her family like we had on the cruise ship, and wanted to make some for our family too. 
She helped make dinner that night and served everyone the food they ordered off her menus.

We had some chores to catch up on after the cruise, so I put the kids to work. Damon helped me clean the hot tub.
Rockwell got all the giant weeds out of our garden boxes.
All the kids went to weed the front yard together. When they came back they told me they had gone to all the houses in the cul-de-sac and pulled whatever weeds they could find at each house. I could tell they felt good after serving their neighbors.

We've cooled down the hot tub and spent a lot of time in there.

Rockwell got this rollercoaster kit a couple years ago for Christmas. He worked on it for a while and then needed a break. We put it away in a closet and forgot about it until we were rearranging some things for Emilie to move in this summer. He pulled it out again and finished building it. It's pretty awesome!

Damon had another preschool activity at Miss Roxi's house. The Bean Museum came and did an animal show. He liked getting to see and pet all the animals, and making his own snake puppet.

The summer heat has arrived, and the kids love to play in water whenever they can.

We went swimming at Katie's house with Al and Audrey. It's always fun to spend the day with our besties!

Our day lily bushes are starting to bloom, and I love seeing all the colors on each bush.

The sunset was gorgeous the other night! I love sitting out on our rocking chairs and seeing all the beauty that we're surrounded with!


  1. That's so cute that Tessa made menus like Hallee did and prepared dinner with you! I loved reading about the children pulling weeds for the neighbors as well as at your house! What sweet children! Great, beautiful pictures and such fun summer things you're doing!

  2. Oh my goodness, your kids are the cutest. I love that they weeded for all of the neighbors.
