Saturday, July 13, 2019

Puerto Vallarta

The last port was Puerto Vallarta.
There were some shops right when you got off the boat that we shopped at for a while. I got a beautiful purse that I loved as soon as I saw it. We took a taxi downtown and walked along the coast. There are fun sand sculptures, rock formations, and statues lining the boardwalk.
These guys were sitting at the top of this pole playing instruments. One man went around asking for tips, and after he had collected enough, the guys swung upside down while continuing to play their instruments until they were at the bottom. It was fun to watch.
After a while, we crossed to the other side of the boardwalk and looked in shops all the way back to the taxis. I love looking at souvenirs. We bought a few things along the way.
Our little family decided to stay a bit longer than the rest of the group, and explored a little more. Puerto Vallarta is beautiful and it was a fun, although very hot, day.


  1. I love the picture with Damon and the drums.

  2. Damon is so cute in the sunglasses especially with the drums! That was a fun day!
