Saturday, July 13, 2019

Every Day Adventures

The kids all love to ride bikes and scooters around our cul-de-sac. We do it pretty much every day. One day they made a Barth Scooters Club. They made up different games on their scooters and had a blast together. 

I went to see Newsies at the Scera Outdoor Theatre with Mel, Ataiya, Amarie, Grandma Ham, Alexys, Al, and Caitlyn. It was really well done, and it was fun to spend a nice summer evening outside with these cute girls.

Al and I went over to swim at Katie's house a few weeks ago. It was a chilly day and there was a thunderstorm after about an hour, but it was fun to get together with friends. Luckily the cooler temperatures don't seem to bother the kids, and when the thunder started they all just played together inside. Al, Katie, and I were able to sit and visit for quite a while once the kids all went in.

Hallee and Wyatt came over one day to "swim" in our hot tub. There's not much room to actually swim, but they had fun in there.
When the girls were drying off, they wanted us to take tons of pictures of them. They did pose after pose. They're darling!

Tessa started a gymnastics class at the Lindon Rec Center this summer. She loves it! All week, she counts down the days until she can go back to gymnastics.
The same guy is teaching the class as when Rockwell took gymnastics. I think he's a great coach. He makes everything fun, on a 6-year-old level. He has them pretend a lot and uses stuffed animals to help with their form, which Tessa just loves!
I think the dance classes she's taken have helped her have great form. She also has a lot of strength, which is very helpful in gymnastics.


  1. I love the Barth scooters club idea! You have creative children! Tessa is looking great in gymnastics and I'm so glad she loves it so much! Great pictures!

  2. That first picture is adorable! Tessa's form looks amazing. It looks like she is rocking gymnastics!
