Saturday, July 13, 2019


Our second port was Mazatlan. 
Paul and I decided to stay on the ship this day. We didn't love Mazatlan the last time we did this cruise, and there wasn't really anything we knew of that our kids would enjoy off the boat. We had a lot of fun on the almost-empty ship though. We all went miniature golfing.
And then we went swimming. Both Rockwell and Damon had some chaffing in unfortunate places, and after about 1 minute of being in the salty pool they were both in a lot of pain. Poor kids! Paul got them showered off and took them to the arcade to play games. Tessa and I swam for a while longer.
As I watched my little Tessa girl lounging in her pool chair soaking up the sun, I felt like I got a glimpse of what she'll be like in ten years. I could just picture her as a teenager doing the same thing.
After swimming, we took the kids to Camp Ocean. Since most people get off the boat at the ports, they just have one group for kid's camp. Damon was so excited to be able to go in there with Tessa and Rockwell. Paul and I got our books, got some food, and enjoyed two hours to ourselves! We all had onboard credit on our sail cards, so I enjoyed at least one pina colada every day. They were so delicious!