Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Christmas Break

Christmas break had its fun times and its hard times this year. We played with our new Christmas toys a lot.
The kids and I went to play at Katie's house.
Paul and I went to Elijah's basketball game, and I got to go to another game myself too. We both saw Knives Out, me with Katie, and Paul with Todd. We got a sitter and went to see Jumanji II one night. Paul took the kids to see Spies in Disguise while I went to Barnes and Noble to spend my gift cards.
The kids got sick, and so we spent a lot of days at home playing games and watching movies. That was the hard part. They felt pretty bad, and we all felt a little stir-crazy after being home for so long. We were planning on me staying home with the kids during Marmie's Christmas party since they had fevers, but we woke up to a blizzard that day and so Paul stayed home too. 
The kids went to bed at their usual time on New Year's Eve since they were all feeling crummy. We made salmon, asparagus, Red Lobster biscuits and sparkling cider for dinner. It felt like a fancy dinner, and that's really all we did to celebrate. Paul and I watched a bunch of episodes of Parks and Rec and then went to bed at 11:15. We couldn't make it to midnight. So close! :) Right when the kids were going to bed, a neighbor was lighting fireworks and it seriously sounded like someone was pounding on our windows. Tessa could not sleep through it, and was very scared by each noise. I surrounded her with her stuffed animals, and that helped her not feel so scared.
The kids were finally all healthy again on Friday, and we were so excited to get out of the house! I took the kids bowling in the morning. We had so much fun.
Rockwell beat me by 3 points. He's a good little bowler.
Damon was so excited when he got a spare without using the ramp for the ball!
We spent that afternoon and evening at Jon and Buffie's house. It was great to see them again. They have a new dog, Roxi. Tessa is in love!


  1. Didn't realize the kids had been so sick. Glad they're all well now!

  2. I'm sorry your kids were sick. I'm glad you were still able to enjoy the break.

  3. Great pictures of Damon celebrating his spare! I'm glad you were able to do some fun things even with the children being sick! Good idea surrounding Tessa with her stuffed animals!
