Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Tessa's Dance Recital

We got to go to Tessa's Christmas dance recital.
She was so excited about her recital. She loves to dance on a stage!
Their costumes were so cute. And we love that she can wear it other places now and get more use out of it. She wore her dress to church, and for a bit on Christmas day too.
Al and I were able to snap a couple pictures of Tess and Hallee together before the recital started. Tessa loves loves loves that she gets to do ballet with Hallee.
Their class played Bubble Gum Bubble Gum "backstage" while they waited for their turn to dance.
They danced to Merry Christmas Darling, and it was just beautiful. You can tell that the kids in their class enjoy dancing and want to be there. They all did a great job. Tessa is a beautiful little dancer, and I just love seeing what she's learned and practiced.
They had quite the cheering section there to support them! 
We took two pics, so both Al and Mel could be in a picture. :)
It was so nice of everyone to come down and support Tessa and Hallee. EJ is home for a break, and we were all so excited to see him!


  1. Tessa did great. She is a beautiful dancer.

  2. Tessa did do a beautiful job of dancing! She was so into it and is so talented! It's so fun that she and Hallee get to dance together and that our family is so supportive!
