Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Kauai Day 8

We were originally supposed to check out of the Bali Hai Villas at 10:00 am on Wednesday. But when we got there to check in they told us that nobody was using our room for the two days following our stay, and if we wanted to stay for those two days for free, we could. We called the airline to ask about changing our flight, but since we bought Saver Tickets, they were non-changeable. We were bummed about that. It did at least give us one more day of using their pool and going to a beach though, instead of rushing out by 10:00. Our flight wasn't until 11:05 pm, so we got to have a whole day of playing and were still able to shower and get packed up before checking out and driving to the airport. We were grateful for that!
For my run that morning, I went back over to Queen's Bath to see if the gate was open, but it was still padlocked. I guess that means we'll have to go back to Kauai sometime, so we can see it. :)
I took the kids over to the main pool again and we had a great time swimming.

After lunch we went to JoJo's one last time. There is a curve in the road on the way to Hanalei that has the most beautiful view of the Bay. I wanted to get a picture, and luckily there wasn't anyone behind us so Paul slowed down and I snapped a picture out the car window. I love it.

Tessa and Damon were so stinking cute walking to JoJo's!

There were a few lizards running around that Rockwell loved watching. They were so colorful!

We spent the rest of the afternoon at Hanalei Bay. The waves were bigger than the day before, but we were still able to play out on the sand bar. I wanted to lay on the beach for a bit, so Paul took the kids out to see if they could find the sand bar again. On their way out, there was a turtle swimming around right by them. Paul called out to me and so I grabbed the underwater camera and tried to run over there, but it was gone by the time I got out there. Luckily it came back about an hour later when we were all playing out there. Tessa and I followed it for a while and just watched it swim. It was awesome! We enjoyed our last day at the beach and had a great time together.

Right as we were starting to pack up our things to leave, we noticed the turtle out on our sandbar. Rockwell, Tessa and I went back out there to see it up close. That was a cool way to end our vacation!

After our showers and loading up the car, we drove out to Lihue and ate dinner at Pizza Hut again. We wanted to fill the kids up, since we had a long day of traveling ahead of us.

Our flight was delayed, and so we didn't leave until after midnight. The kids slept through the flight, and then we had about 6 hours at the Seattle airport before our flight to Salt Lake. That is a busy airport! We got some breakfast and lunch while we were there, and the kids worked on some homework.

It was hard to come home. We love love loved it in Kauai, and love love loved spending all that time together doing whatever we wanted whenever we wanted to. I'm so glad we did this vacation. We will remember it fondly forever.


  1. I love all of the hang lose pictures and that picture of the bay is gorgeous. That is definitely a vacation to remember. I'm so glad you guys got to do it and enjoy that family time. You all work so hard and I'm sure it was a much needed break for all of you.

  2. That was a gorgeous picture of Hanalei bay! I'm so glad that you got to go on this trip.
