Monday, January 27, 2020

Kauai Day 2

Paul woke up early Thursday morning and went for a run. He watched the sun rise on the beach.

When the rest of us woke up, we walked over to Coconut Market Place. It's a touristy market that was right across the street from our resort.

There is a farmer's market in the parking lot on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We loved sampling some new fruits and some local honey.

Damon loved the ice cream bananas. Rockwell really liked the rambutan.

And I bought myself a bag of passion fruit. :)

After the Coconut Market, we drove to Poipu Beach. This is the beach that everyone talks about when you say you're going to Kauai. People love it.

Us...not so much. It was crazy crowded. We heard the snorkeling is amazing, but nobody told us that the coral starts immediately where the ocean meets the beach. It was so painful to try to walk in there. The kids didn't want to walk, so Paul and I tried to carry them, which only made it more painful on our feet. We tried to go out deep enough that we could get off our feet, but I never made it that far before my feet were cut up and cramping. Paul said he got to where he could keep his feet up, but the waves were so big that he couldn't snorkel well anyway. Salt Pond Beach was only about 20 minutes away, so we packed up our stuff and headed over there. That was the best decision we made on the trip. We had such a fun time at Salt Pond! The only cool part of Poipu Beach was that there was a turtle chilling on the sand.

Aneke's Juice Bar was on the way out of Poipu, which I also wanted to try after seeing Jen's instagram posts. We went there and got acai bowls for Paul and me, shave ice for Tessa and Damon, and root beer for Rockwell. The acai bowls were fantastic!

Then we continued on to Salt Pond Beach and spent the rest of the day there. We had an absolute blast. The water is warm and has just the right size waves. The sand is soft, the sun was shining, and there were so few people there.

Another family that was there told us about a cool spot for snorkeling at the far end of the beach. There was a reef that made a really calm pool that was full of fish and coral. It was awesome to see all the different kinds of fish in there. Paul and Rockwell spent a long time snorkeling, and took a lot of pictures with the underwater camera. When I figure out how to get those onto the computer, I'll do a post with those pics. Damon and Tessa just enjoyed swimming and playing in the sand over there.

The kids were worn out when we left!

We got McDonald's for the kids on the way home. I walked over to Coconut Market to get some Chinese food for Paul and me.

After dinner, we went out to the pool and did some night swimming.


  1. Great pictures of a fun trip! The acai bowl sure looks good! I love the picture of the kids asleep after the big day at the beach!

  2. Beautiful sunrise picture! I'm so glad you knew about the Salt Pond beach, that looks amazing and so much fun!
