Sunday, July 9, 2023

Back Home Again

 We hit the road again Saturday morning and went back to Utah. Paul was so nice to drive the van all the places all week!! Everyone was very appreciative of him doing all the driving.

Damon sure loved all this time with Jacob! Jacob makes him feel so cool and Damon just eats up all the attention.
Our plans seriously changed so many times for this trip. Whenever I tried to explain it all to people, they usually just ended up confused, so I won't try on the blog either. Haha. Because of one of the plans along the way, Gary & Julie's airline tickets were out of Salt Lake on Tuesday evening to fly home. So we had a few extra days with them in Utah. The whole family met up with them in South Fork Sunday evening. We played games, threw rocks in the river, made s'mores, met Moose (Kyle & Paige's new puppy), and visited. I love South Fork!
On Monday night, Rockwell and I went up to a park in Taylorsville with Al and Wyatt. We set up some chairs and visited while the boys played at the park and with Moose. We all enjoyed getting time to talk with Gary. We don't get to see him as much as we would like, so it was great to get some time with him!
Rockwell and Paul needed to catch up on work after the trip, and so they stayed home and worked while Tessa, Damon and I went to the Saratoga Springs Temple open house Tuesday morning. 
It was nice to tour the temple with the family and get to see them once more before they flew back to Oregon. 
We definitely made some fun memories together on the Grand Canyon trip!!


  1. I'm glad it worked out that Gary and Julie came here for a few days. Good job planning the trip (over and over) it looks like you guys had a great time. I'm impressed with everything you fit in, it all looked so fun.

  2. Looks like you all had so much fun. I just noticed Tessa can still wear that dress I got her!
