Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Purple Pickles

Damon played baseball in Lindon this summer. His team decided on the name Purple Pickles, and his coach got all into it. :) 

She brought a jar of pickles every time and everyone had to eat one at their team meeting after the game. She brought a bag of dill pickle sunflower seeds to every game and the Player of the Game got to take it home. And she got pickle stickers and stuck them on all the kids' hats at the last game. The kids thought she was so fun!!
This season was machine pitch, and Damon did great with it. He hit consistently, and he learned a lot about playing the positions.
He was excited to get Player of the Game after making some great plays to get runners out.
And he loved it when family came to support him. (I forgot to take a picture of Grandma Clark at the game. Darn it!)
Way to go on a great season Damon! We loved watching you play!


  1. That is hilarious that the coach went all in on the pickles. I love the picture of Damon when he got player of the game.

  2. I didn't even think of doing a photo with Damon either. Fun to watch his skills develop. I'm glad he's enjoying baseball.
