Monday, July 17, 2023

Damon's Baptism

Damon was baptized on July 1, 2023. 

He was very excited to follow Christ's example and "have all his sins washed away and have the Holy Ghost with me all the time."

He has been looking forward to getting baptized for quite a while and was excited when the day actually came. Damon is such a good kid and we're proud of him for choosing to be baptized, and for all the good choices he makes every day.
Damon asked Tessa and Rockwell to be the witnesses, and they loved getting to participate in Damon's baptism in that way.
A lot of family came to support Damon, and we had some snacks and desserts at our house afterward. I planned on getting a lot of pictures, but ended up calling it after just a few pictures so Damon could enjoy his time with his cousins. So we have Damon with the grandparents, and Kyle & Paige. Haha.
Paul did come take a picture of Katie and me visiting after most everyone left. We have hardly seen each other this summer so we had a lot to catch up on!
Katie was so sweet and made a ton of cookies to bring. She also made these chocolate 8's which were a big hit!

We sure love love love you Damon!!


  1. He is such a cool kid. I'm so sad I missed it.

  2. I love that expression on Damon's face in the 3rd to the last picture! Damon is a very special boy and we're so proud of him for choosing to be baptized and I'm so glad that Damon could have Rockwell and Tessa participate in his baptism as witnesses!!

  3. You sure have a beautiful family!
