Sunday, August 7, 2022

Desolation Lake

 I got to hike to Desolation Lake with Mel and my dad.

We saw so many deer on this hike!
There were a couple deer on the trail at one point. We stopped and watched them until they decided to move off the trail and let us pass. :)
This hike is beautiful and lush the whole way, and the lake is a gorgeous green color.
We were the only ones at the lake, and enjoyed spending some time there taking in the beauty.

The kids were having fun in the sprinkler when I got home. Paul always comes up with something fun to do with the kids while I'm hiking. 


  1. It sure does look beautiful! And seeing so many deer I'm sure was fun. That's so nice that Paul always comes up with fun things for the children to do while you're hiking!

  2. It looks so pretty. Paul is such a good dad!
