Sunday, August 7, 2022

Life Lately

 Tessa got to dog-sit Sadie again. She loves doing that.

Audrey and I went to our 20 year high school reunion. We weren't sure if we would stay very long or how the night would go, but we ended up having a great time. We really wanted to see Taylor and John and were so happy that they both came.
There was a good turnout and we had fun visiting with friends, meeting their spouses, and laughing about the good old days. :)

There was a break-in at the elementary school and three classrooms had quite a bit of damage. The PTA let the community know and requested help to clean it up. We went over to help, and the three classrooms had enough volunteers in them that it was getting crowded, so they started sending people to help with moving supplies in other parts of the school. It's so frustrating that people would vandalize a school, but it was nice to see the community come and help out.

Tessa got her jaw expander removed, and braces put on her teeth. They were sore for a couple days, but she's feeling used to them now.

Paul and Rockwell did a deep clean and tune-up on the lawnmower. It gets a lot of use with Rock's lawn care business. They said it worked like a champ after that.

I found Tessa reading a book to Damon one afternoon. I love love love finding the kids doing stuff like this together!

We hung out at Katie's, and were so excited to meet Gemma, the newest member of their family. She's really sweet!


  1. I'm glad you and Audrey had a good time. I love the picture of Tessa reading to Damon.

  2. I too love the picture of Tessa reading to Damon! That's great that you enjoyed your class reunion. That man was so tall! That's funny that he wasn't athletic. Tessa sure looks like she loves dogs! Such cute pictures of her holding them!
