Thursday, August 18, 2022

Everyday Adventures

Paul went golfing and to lunch in Heber with some friends from Timpanogos. They had a good time!

We have a new hummingbird hanging around this year!
Rita is about the same size as Greenback, but has more of a split tail and a grey back. The two of them seem to get along well and are often flying around together. She's a cutie patootie too!
Rita is much more curious than Greenback and doesn't mind coming closer to humans. Rockwell and I were watching them flying around the backyard one day, and Rita came right up close to me and flew back and forth a few times. It was so fun! I had my camera out and when she came up so close that I could have reached out and touched her, I didn't want to take my eyes off her. I didn't look at my camera but just pushed the button hoping that I was pushing the right spot and would actually capture a picture of her. Luckily it worked and I got a couple of her!
Greenback was out there too but kept her distance from us. 
We have put out a few bird feeders this summer, and we now have around 20 birds in our backyard at all times. There are finches, bluebirds, and quail. We all love the birds! Paul took this picture of he and Rockwell living their best lives: sitting on the deck, reading, eating popcorn, and watching the birds. :)

I took the kids to Katie's house to swim with Al and Audrey and their kids. It was a great way to spend the day! The kids all loved playing with Gemma again too.

Marisa and Matt were in town and came over for dinner. We love when they come to visit! The kids had so much fun with Big Boy Asher and Baby Liam! We could hear Tessa, Damon, and Asher laughing on the tramp while we were inside in the living room. :) It was adorable. They went to Kauai a couple weeks ago and so we had a great time making a plan of how we can all move there, or at the very least vacation there again soon!

I took Rockwell over to the junior high to practice opening his locker and see where all his classes are. I think he'll be just fine finding his way around the school. Tessa fit nicely inside his locker. :)

Rockwell and Logan were making volcanoes erupt with baking soda and vinegar.
The picture shows some of it spraying into Rockwell's hair. :)

We did some back to school shopping and Tessa was so excited to find a Reese's shirt. Obviously she needed to eat some Reese's while wearing the shirt. :)

We spent Saturday helping my parents clean out Dante's room and move a bunch of their furniture out and deliver it to Mel & Al's houses. They are doing a big cleaning and updating to their house and furniture. They treated the family to Leatherby's that night to say thanks. We're excited for them to be empty nesters again!

Tessa is still loving gymnastics. Every Monday all the team girls wear matching leotards and shorts. It's cute to see all the girls walking in in the team uniform when I drop her and Morgan off. 


  1. I love that picture of Rockwell reading on the deck. You guys have created a piece of paradise back there.

  2. Tessa's Reeces shirt is cute and of course she wanted to eat Reece's wearing it! Lots of good pictures and it looks like you've been doing a lot of fun activities!
