Monday, August 8, 2022


Our kids all said that they wanted to try Cannibal for their first ride at Lagoon this year. When we actually pulled into the park and they got a look at it though, they all said they did not want to ride it. :) Paul and I thought they should try Wicked first since that one's thrilling, but not as scary as Cannibal. Tessa was feeling nervous in the line and wanted to hold my hand the whole time. I promised her I wouldn't let go until the ride was over.

Turns out that ride is scarier than we remembered. Whoops! None of the kids loved it, and Tessa started crying about halfway through. We told them they definitely didn't have to ride any more big rides if they didn't want to.
Luckily I don't think we scarred them, because they wanted to go right to Wild Mouse and the Spider after Wicked. Phew! We rode Music Express and Damon loved that one. He and Paul rode that one a couple more times while Rockwell, Tessa, and I went back to the Spider.
We rode rides for a couple hours until the water park opened. 
It was a very hot day, so Lagoon-a-Beach was a must! We all loved the lazy river and the waterslides where you have a tube and go from slide to small pool, to another slide then small pool, over and over again. We stayed through the heat of the afternoon, and then went back out and rode rides the rest of the time.
Rockwell rode by himself on a lot of the rides. Damon and Tessa wanted to be with Paul and me, and luckily Rockwell doesn't mind riding alone. He did make me laugh every time he would look at me while standing in his own line and sing, "All by myself..." :) He's a very good sport about being the oldest child! A big favorite was Bombora, and Damon and Tessa were comfortable riding together on that one, so Paul and I got to ride with Rockwell a couple times.
Another favorite was the Wooden Rollercoaster. We all had our hands up on that one.
We stopped for a treat, and saw that the Fun Squad was there too! We talked to them for a minute. They're a very nice family, and it was so exciting for Tessa and Damon to see them again.
It was a really fun day at Lagoon! We were there from open to close, and the kids wished we could have stayed longer. :)


  1. I love the pictures and it looks like it was a fun day! I'm sorry that Tessa got so scared on Wicked. That last picture of Tessa and Damon holding hands is just precious!

  2. You got great pictures, they capture the fun day so well.
