Sunday, August 7, 2022

Maybird Lakes & Red Pine Lake

 My parents, Mel, and I hiked to Maybird Lakes. You get to them from the Red Pine Lake trail, but turn off the trail about a mile before the lake.

I know I say this about every hike, but it was so beautiful! There were a ton of flowers on this trail, which I loved.
The trail near the lakes was really rocky so we kept our eyes out for cairns marking the trail. It was fun to see a couple lakes I've never seen before.
Since we were only about a mile away from Red Pine Lake when we got back to the main trail, we decided to go see that lake too. I'm so glad we did because it was a totally different experience than last year when Mel and I hiked here. The bugs were so thick then that we definitely didn't appreciate how beautiful this lake is. There weren't any bugs this time, and we were in awe of how pretty it is.
This one was a really steep hike and close to 11 miles. My legs were sore for sure, but it was so worth it. 


  1. That was a great hike and I'm so glad we didn't have all the bugs you and Mel had last year! We got those last week hiking up to White Pine lake, didn't we? It was so beautiful!
