Wednesday, August 10, 2022

This & That

 Rockwell went on a backpacking trip with the deacons and teachers from our ward. They hiked 3 miles to Weir Lake and set up camp there. That was quite the pack to be carrying up a mountain, but it sounds like Rockwell did great!

They fished, whittled sticks, built a fire pit, started the fire, roasted treats over the fire, had a devotional, Rockwell fell in the lake, they played games, did more fishing, and hiked back down. 
I was pretty nervous about Rock going, but Rockwell loved it!! His nut allergy just makes everything more complicated and worrisome. I was so relieved when he got home, and so glad to hear that he had a blast and definitely wants to go again. We had family stop by right after Rockwell got home, and then he wanted to come to the Hawkins reunion with me, then he was collecting fast offerings and going to presidency meeting Sunday morning. I finally unpacked his backpack myself Sunday morning, and my heart just melted when I found a heart rock he had carried down the mountain for me. I was thinking about him the whole time he was gone, and it meant so much to know that he had been thinking about me too. :)
I had Rockwell practice setting up his tent before he left. I wanted to make sure he could do it on his own. 

While I was in Hyrum and Rockwell was camping, Paul took Damon and Tessa to his school. They helped him carry his supplies into the library.
Paul had an extra wolf clock in his office and let Tessa take it home for her bedroom. She love love loves it!
The kids were excited to see the wolf in the commons area too.
And he took them to see Super Pets in the theatre.

We had the Clark Fam over for dinner on Sunday. Paul worked so hard making homemade tortillas and chicken, steak, and shrimp tacos. When I got home from Lindsey's Saturday night, I helped him roll out and cook the tortillas until about 1:00 am. Then Sunday morning he was up bright and early cooking all the meats.
We were able to get all the fixings prepared and the deck set up after church. Emilie brought beautiful and delicious desserts. She is so talented!
The food was delicious and the company was great!
The adults and teenagers played games after dinner. I was exhausted and didn't have the brain power to keep up in a game, so I lounged on the couch and enjoyed listening to the fun. :)
The cousins have so much fun together. They were all sad when the night was over, but we're looking forward to the campout in a couple weeks!


  1. Paul is amazing with his cooking skills! I'm so glad the trip for Rockwell was so good for him and that he stayed safe. Lots of good things happening!

  2. Rockwell looks so handsome and grown up in those pictures. That is so sweet that he found you a rock. He is such a great kid!
