Friday, August 5, 2022

Lake Blanche

 We had a fun group hiking Lake Blanche!

It was a steep hike, but a beautiful one!
I love getting to talk with people on the trail and at the lake. That's one of the things I love about hiking. The conversation, the beauty, and the exercise. It's such a good combination!
Lake Blanche is beautiful!
Rockwell, Cody, and Jonah enjoyed skipping rocks on the lake.
I could stay at a lake like this for hours and not feel ready to leave. I love the solitude, the scenery, and the peace at a place like this.
On the way down, my mom probably got a bit of heat stroke. She had a difficult time walking, and Matt & Cody held on to her and helped her down the mountain. When we got to the parking lot we splashed some cold water on her, had her drink a lot, and Jonah got their car running so the A/C could cool the car down before she got in. I think it meant a lot to my mom to have the family all take care of her like that. It was tough to see her like that, and I was so glad that she was feeling much better when we got to her house for the BBQ that night!


  1. That was a great hike and Matt and Cody were so sweet to help me so much! I'm so thankful for our wonderful family and the love they show me! The lake was beautiful and I'm so glad the boys had so much fun throwing rocks in the lake!

  2. I'm so glad Jonah went, he loved it!
