Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Clark Family Campout

 This year's campout was a rainy one! It was raining when we got there, so Paul, Brent, and Emilie cooked the hot dogs and hamburgers on the flat top inside the garage. Luckily it stopped raining just before it was time to eat, and so Ethan, Levi, and Brent wiped all the tables and chairs down and we were able to eat outside. 

The kids love love love to play with their cousins until midnight.
Grandma had a laser tag game for the kids to play in the yard.
And the adults enjoyed the fire. :)
I started feeling stuffy about an hour before we left for the campout, and on the drive up there I started feeling the way I do when I take ibuprofen. It's a super annoying pressure inside my head, and I spent the evening trying to think of anything new I had eaten or exposed myself to that would cause an allergic reaction. I can't think of what it would have been, or if that's just how my seasonal allergies are going to affect me now. Grrr. Luckily I slept pretty well that night and felt much improved in the morning. It was frustrating to feel crummy at the campout though. 
Paul got up early with Gramps to cook the breakfast. It was another delicious meal! It had rained on and off through the night, but the weather was perfectly cool and calm in the morning. We sat around and visited while the kids played some more.
We went over to Carrie & Levi's house on our way home so the kids could see their baby goats. They were super cute!
Thanks for another fun campout Grandma & Gramps!!


  1. It did look like a fun campout but I'm sorry that you weren't feeling good as you drove there but am glad you were able to sleep and felt better in the morning. Your children look a little tired as you were driving home!

  2. Their yard looks amazing and perfect for a campout. Sorry you didn't feel good, I hope you don't start feeling like that with allergies!

  3. I'm just now seeing this, a month late. I've been away from my computer for awhile! We had a lot of fun. When I said you looked tired, I didn't know you were having allergy issues. Bummer!
