Our Young Women class went rappelling at Battle Creek Falls. We needed to go at 4:30 so we would have enough light, so only a few girls could make it.
It was a very hot hike up to the falls! But it was so much fun to rappel down!
Tessa tried so hard, but decided she was too afraid to sit back over the drop and jump down. The Moncur's like to take our class every summer, so hopefully Tessa will try again next year. She and Meg enjoyed playing in the water down below better. :)
It was really fun to have Roxi there with us, we love her!
Dante came over and spent a few hours with us last week. It was really good to see him and see what he's made of his life these past two years. He has a job at Harmon's that he's very good at. He's done what he needs to to be accepted into the Marine Corps, and is hoping to ship out in the next few weeks. Tessa wasn't home, but the boys sure loved having him over. He jumped on the tramp with them and taught Rockwell some tips on how to do a back flip. I'm glad he came and spent time with us before he leaves.
Tessa was at Hallee's birthday party that day. They went to Splash Summit and had so much fun! I can't believe Hallee is 12 and will be in junior high next month!!
Mel and I wanted to do a hike, but we were interested in trying one we've never done before. I read about the hike to Silver Lake up American Fork Canyon in my hiking book, but we've heard that you need a truck or jeep to get up to the trailhead. Once you pass Tibble Fork, there's 3 miles of dirt road that leads to another lake called Silver Lake Flat Reservoir. The trailhead for Silver Lake begins there at that reservoir. There are very few lakes to hike to in Utah County, and so I really wanted to do this one. I was nervous about what the drive would be like though, so I asked Paul to drive it with me so I could check it out. We threw the paddle boards in the back of the truck and figured we might as well make a date out of it.
The 3-mile drive was so intense! I could not believe how bumpy it was and how slow we had to go. Plus it's a narrow road, and you're on the cliff side on the way up. My whole body was so tense the whole time. By the time we pulled into the parking lot at Silver Lake Flat, I was 85% certain I would never make that drive again. Paul and I got on the lake though, and it was beautiful and peaceful and I started to convince myself that I was capable of driving it again. I had done it successfully, so I COULD do it. It just wasn't a super fun experience, but that doesn't mean I can't do it.
We enjoyed the water for a while and then went over and checked out the trailhead. I really really wanted to make it happen, so I decided I would try driving down. The drive down was easier, and by the time we were out of the canyon, I was determined that I could do it again. :)
It was very sweet of Paul to drive up there with me, and so fun to have a date night at the lake with him.
Repelling by the waterfall looks so cool. I think I would be too nervous like Tessa, but it does look cool. That lake is gorgeous. That last picture of you looks like a postcard! You are a good driver, so I'm sure you did great even though it was scary! Hallee had the best birthday, thanks for making it such a great day for her.