Tessa and Damon were able to mow Rockwell's lawns while he was at FSY. Tessa's saving up money to help pay for Nationals again.
And Damon really wanted to buy a chair for his room. He found the one he wanted on Amazon and was so excited when it arrived.
He slept in it for a couple nights. :)
Al and Hallee came over to play one day, and the kids played outside with water balloons and the sprinkler all afternoon. It finally felt like summer outside. Yay!
Mel, Al, and Hallee came over another day and us sisters went walking up Provo Canyon while the kids played at home.
They had made water balloon friends and they were adorable!
Tessa and Hallee learned dances and put on a performance for us. It was very cute.
Damon's baseball season started in June and so Paul and Damon played a lot of catch.
Tessa and Damon made swings for their animals.
And they ran through the sprinklers a few times.
We were so happy to have all 5 of us home for a couple days after FSY. We played Beat the Parents Sunday night, and the parents won this time!
It came down to a paper ball shoot out between Paul and Rockwell.
And Paul won it!!
If the kids had won, they would have been able to paint Paul's nails and do my make-up. But since we won, we had 3 days of no screens. :)
We loved hanging out with you guys. Your kids are such hard workers. I love Damon's new chair.